Monday, October 6, 2008

Garbage Floating Everywhere All Summer

One substantive problem at OHM is the amount of refuse floating in and around the docks.

The picture above is a familiar sight to OHM boaters.

Most marinas have staffers collect and skim the garbage so it does not collect in various slips. The two fundamental reasons for this are:

1. A clean looking and clean smelling marina.

2. Reduction of waterborne hazards for boaters. Garbage fouls and damages props and it can get sucked up into fresh water intakes potentially causing expensive engine and system failures.

The garbage is simply allowed to float around at OHM stateless and homeless. The carcasses of dead fish are allowed to "naturally" decompose and all of the refuse makes it way around the slips of OHM paying boaters impromptu visits. One notices its arrival usually with its less than fragrant scent. OHM management needs to find the flotsam and jetsam a home. Management needs to welcome the floating biology experiments with open arms and a large dumpster.

Over the years we've seen everything from construction cones to coolers floating by our docks. Not once have we seen a staffer picking up this refuse from the water.

Every wonder what that smell is? Try looking beside your boat for the piles of floating plastic, seaweed and dead fish. We think that OHM management must just hope that the garbage will float away. Where it ultimately ends up collecting of course, is on the far shore across from the docks where it "decorates" the landscape. By the end of the summer as the water level drops, the shoreline starts to resemble a garbage dump.

Garbage fouling your props? Plastic refuse clogging your fresh water engine or air conditioning intakes. Twenty pound carp decomposing just feet upwind of you and your guests? That couldn't possibly be something OHM management is supposed to deal with as a normal function of marina management could it?

Hmmm...We wonder what would happen to the manger of the office building you work at or the hotel you last stayed in if he or she simply hoped the gum wrappers, general waste and room service trays accumulating in the hallways and corridors of those buildings would simply "float away"...hmmmm

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