Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ethanol Blended Fuel at OHM

Many thanks to one of our readers for the comment on the type of fuel that OHM now sells.

Apparently, late this summer OHM switched to selling an Ethanol fuel blend. There have been reports on web of numerous engine and gas tank problems experienced by boaters using the Ethanol blended gasoline. As far as we know OHM is the only marina in the area selling the Ethanol blend, however that may change in the future as it may be some sort of mandated switch. We will keep our readers apprised

Here are a couple of links and we will let our readers come to their own conclusions:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it true that the OHM made the addition without informing all Boaters.

The addition of Ethanol was made in July and we first became aware of it in the August Fall Launch newsletter.

We are also aware that there are Class Action Lawsuits in both Florida and California against the Major Oil Company as they were fully aware that Ethanol caused engine problems.